A downloadable game for Windows


Move - WASD

Look around - Mouse

Jump - Spacebar

Interact with - E 

Jetpack - Hold space (you must be off the ground)

Inventory - Hold right mouse button down and move mouse over desired item

Replenish Life with Healing Gem - F

Pause - Esc


I know now that propellor is spelt propeller

There is music although it is very quiet


This game was supposed to demonstrate 3 game mechanics: Jetpack, Inventory and a Quest system

  • I struggled getting some nice flames for my jetpack so now it is a propeller
  • The game has a radial inventory (inspired by  Dishonored)
  • There is a very basic quest system which makes use of NPCs


PropellorForest.zip 460 MB

Install instructions

- Download ZIP file

- Extract ZIP

- Within the folder should be an application, 'Propellor Forest'